Fania Yangarber, Executive Director
Fania Yangarber has a BA in Political Science from Barnard College, an MS
in Food Policy and Applied Nutrition from Tufts University and a JD
from Chicago-Kent College of Law. She has worked in health related
advocacy fields in a professional and volunteer capacity. She worked
at the US Department of Agriculture as a food safety specialist,
helping to develop international food safety standards and
regulations; for the Social Security Administration, on disability
cases; advocated for victims' rights and patients' rights to
informed consent, and worked in nutrition research environments.
Before attending law and graduate school, she worked for several
years in financial information services.
R. Lindsey Parsons, Co-Founder and Former Executive Director
Co-founder of RFKM, Lindsey Parsons has BA in French from Wesleyan University, an MA
in Romance Linguistics from University of Texas at Austin and a Doctor of
Education from Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. She
worked previously as a Study Abroad Advisor at the University of Georgia
and as Manager of Finance and Human Resources at a private wealth
management firm. Lindsey co-founded HSFM in 2012 and served first as
co-director then Executive Director from 2016-June 2017. She is currently
a Certified Health Coach living and working in Tucson, Arizona.
Karen Devitt, Co-founder and former Director
The other co-founder of HSFM, Karen has a BA in English, worked for
many years in the IT side of the publishing profession, and currently has
her own business providing musical instruction and entertainment in the
D.C. metro area. She has been reading and researching extensively on the
issue of school food for several years since she encountered problems with
her own daughter's over-consumption of competitive foods of low
nutritional value in MCPS schools.
"Good food habits MUST be inculcated early. Later in life, when already addicted to sugars and
fats and salt, it is much harder to break the bad habits. It is a choice between a good, hopefully
long life and one cut short or made uncomfortable by bad early choices.".
- an HSFM Supporter